Happy Halloween
So it's Halloween. I'm not really into it this year. I was going to wear the dress I got last year to school today, but then I had a shitty afternoon/evening yesterday (although I did get my room clean), and the dress had two holes in it, and by the time I was done cleaning my room it was 1 AM and I didn't feel like sewing. It was cool going to school and seeing everyone dressed up though.
Anyway, I had a blast during Ac Dec today. I was seriously considering ditching, but I talked to Agni during tutorial and she said she was going today, so I decided to go with her. The way Garrity favors some people annoys her. It bugs me, too, but I don't care that much because I don't do anything in Ac Dec.
So, I went to Ac Dec, we started studying a presentation, when the fire alarm goes off. And it is LOUD in the new P portables where Garrity's new room is. After it blasts our ears off, an announcement come on--they're doing some tests to the fire alarm. And then the blasted thing goes off AGAIN. So Garrity cancels class.
Karla wanted to walk to In-n-Out for the adventure, but after going down the hill, I almost tripped, so we decided to be safe, not run across the street underneath the highway, and just go to the plaza with Jack-in-the-Box and Dell Taco. When we get to the intersection, we meet Andrew Grandstaff, so he decided to join us. Karla and I couldn't decided which place to go to, so Andrew chose Dell Taco for us.
At Dell Taco:
*Karla sits down*
*Andrew sits down*
*I sit down*
Karla: Aren't we going to order something?
Me: I dunno, I'm not hungry.
Karla: *looks at the menu* Hmm...I think I'll get a quesadia.
Me: What's a quesadia?
Andrew: *increduous look*
Karla: *sigh* *gets up to stand in line* It's cheese melted between two tortias.
Me: *follows her* Oh... *considers getting a chicken quesadia* Can you get one without cheese?
Andrew (who's behind us) and Karla: *start laughing*
Andrew: Can you get a hamburger without meat?
The rest of the time we spent there was basically those two making fun of me for my lack of cultural knowledge. I really don't know nothing about Mexican food. But in my defense, there are more Chinese people in Cali than Mexicans anyways.