Friday, December 01, 2006

Who killed the happiness around here?

*last night until physics this morning*
me: TT_TT (I kid you not; I felt really bad, and for once, it wasn't PMS)

*at lunch today*
Kylie (and I quote her directly): "Fuck!"

*in PE today*
Karla: "I'm crying on the inside."

The vector test in math today was awful. Seriously think I bombed it. I'm not that worried though, I'll have a B even if a totally flunked (probably did) and I can pull that up. I kind of got over English while watching Reba today after I got home from tutoring.

I'm thinking of returning to my livejournal account. Partly because I feel a lot safer if I can make my entries friends-only (although I think I can with blogger, but I'm too lazy to find out how), and partly because I just miss livejournal.

[edit] Hmmm, upon re-reading this, the quotes don't seem that depressing. And I really can't give a damn about AIDS right now, not because I think I'm cold hearted (although I might be) but because I gotta help myself before I can help others get better. But anyway. I really came back to say...

GOOD LUCK NINA! BREAK A LEG TONIGHT! AND ALL THE OTHER NIGHTS! ...although you might not be able to walk then... (no, I jest, I jest!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww! Thanks! Our show went fine this morning. The best part was after it with all the little kids (read xanga for that).

I'm sorry if you're having a crappy week. It seems like everyone is over here too. It's that time of the year. Grr. I hate it! I feel stressed too, but I look forward to the play for keeping my mind off everything. Do that with flute or something.

10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah im sorry you guys all had a really sucky day that day. hope things are getting better for you.

6:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the correction! My grammar sucks. =P

Bleh, finals. I don't think I bothered studying. And if I did, I failed anyway.

Btw, what college do you plan on going to?

7:18 PM  

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