Friday, October 27, 2006

The Great Fire of '06

Yesterday, this huge fire started somewhere near Palm Springs. I don't know how. It still hasn't been put out yet, so the air's been all smokey lately. It's disgusting, really. Akshar said this is what India smells like all the time. And it's pretty serious because all afterschool sport events have been called off because it's bad to breathe in the air. Part of it is poisonous now because the fired burned up some construction material somewhere out there and that stuff was poisonous, and now it's in the gas form and it's traveling through the atmosphere. There were people at school wearing doctor masks today.

But don't worry! I'm pretty sure I won't die. Right now, the poisonous gases should be diluted by the atmosphere, and it's not like I spend that much time outside. Just hope it doesn't rain...if it does, we'll get acid rain, and that would be REALLY bad.


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