Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Conventional Wisdom

People say you're not suppose to keep your feelings bottled up. That is why I am here right now, when I have loads of other crap to do, all of them for school. In summary, I am irritated, but not really that irritated, that my parents are against me going to Saddleback wind emsemble rehearsals every Tuesday nigth from 7-10. Yes, 3 hours is a lot of time, and yes, I could definitely use that time. But you see, I can't just tell the director I'd like to join the band and not show up. Maybe it's a musician's honor thing, but I really can't do that, like my parents are encouraging me to. I know other people ditch class, but I am not them. I think Mr. T drilled this into me way back when. I remember him saying we should always, ALWAYS, show up for rehearsal, even if we couldn't play. He assured us we'd learn something anyways. I guess that's true. You can't keep up with the progression if you don't attend. But knowing all that doesn't really make me feel better. = (

I'll go study APUSH now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so true about just going and listening. I love Mr. T. I wish I could still communicate with him some how. He shaped our lives in so many ways.

You should go. It's one outside of school thing you do. I don't know, but I'd die if I didn't do something outside of school.

5:17 PM  
Blogger meem said...

I know! We should hunt him down and say thanks...I mean, I know I never properly thanked him, and I really want to.

5:27 PM  

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