Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween

So it's Halloween. I'm not really into it this year. I was going to wear the dress I got last year to school today, but then I had a shitty afternoon/evening yesterday (although I did get my room clean), and the dress had two holes in it, and by the time I was done cleaning my room it was 1 AM and I didn't feel like sewing. It was cool going to school and seeing everyone dressed up though.

Anyway, I had a blast during Ac Dec today. I was seriously considering ditching, but I talked to Agni during tutorial and she said she was going today, so I decided to go with her. The way Garrity favors some people annoys her. It bugs me, too, but I don't care that much because I don't do anything in Ac Dec.

So, I went to Ac Dec, we started studying a presentation, when the fire alarm goes off. And it is LOUD in the new P portables where Garrity's new room is. After it blasts our ears off, an announcement come on--they're doing some tests to the fire alarm. And then the blasted thing goes off AGAIN. So Garrity cancels class.

Karla wanted to walk to In-n-Out for the adventure, but after going down the hill, I almost tripped, so we decided to be safe, not run across the street underneath the highway, and just go to the plaza with Jack-in-the-Box and Dell Taco. When we get to the intersection, we meet Andrew Grandstaff, so he decided to join us. Karla and I couldn't decided which place to go to, so Andrew chose Dell Taco for us.

At Dell Taco:
*Karla sits down*
*Andrew sits down*
*I sit down*
Karla: Aren't we going to order something?
Me: I dunno, I'm not hungry.
Karla: *looks at the menu* Hmm...I think I'll get a quesadia.
Me: What's a quesadia?
Andrew: *increduous look*
Karla: *sigh* *gets up to stand in line* It's cheese melted between two tortias.
Me: *follows her* Oh... *considers getting a chicken quesadia* Can you get one without cheese?
Andrew (who's behind us) and Karla: *start laughing*
Andrew: Can you get a hamburger without meat?

The rest of the time we spent there was basically those two making fun of me for my lack of cultural knowledge. I really don't know nothing about Mexican food. But in my defense, there are more Chinese people in Cali than Mexicans anyways.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. You're really sad.


Lol. My Halloween sucked. I got all gussied up and didn't go anywhere but school. I moped around all day and now I'm good. How sad is that? I looked hella good, which should really only make me feel happy. So I figured that much and thought "who cares if no one's checking me out?" Haha. But I did look so good! And I spent time. I tried taking a pic, but it's only okay. And it's not of my whole outfit anyways.

I hope I wasn't the one who made holes in your costume. XD

9:58 PM  

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