Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Grades, con't

So I got B's on both my English essays. (43/50 and 41/50) And I have a quiz tomorrow on A Doll's House, which we're reading in class. Stender went over stuff I can do to improve my writing, which I get. Maybe I'll talk about them later, I'm in the middle of studying for tomorrow's quiz. What I really need though, is more practice with timed writings and writing good essays. Need to figure out a way to work on that.

I've been going over stuff for A Doll's House. I get the plot and I think I get the symbolism and some of the themes. I understand why it was "revolutionary." Victorian women didn't walk out on their husbands in those days.

What I need to know more of is feminism. Stender told us to look it up last week, and I read that it was the belief women should be socially, politcally, and economically equal to men, but he said it was more than that. Must get back to reviewing.


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