Friday, September 08, 2006

Social Life

Aggghhhh, if I see any more of the Aubrey/Erich/Alice (not the one I was talking to last night)/Auburn/Tyler (Jacques?) tension, I might explode. It is one of the most annoying things in the world having Erich in PE with me. She drops oh-so-subtle hints about how PE should be a breeze for her after x-country and how she can run so fast. Ugh, if she really wants, she should do xc independent study. I know Dan did it last year because he couldn't go to all the practices and marching band.

After PE, I was walking with her to the buses and she started asking me about how Stender is:
Erich: Do you have to take notes in Stender?
Me: Only if he makes us.
Erich: Oh, no, I NEVER had to take notes.
Me (to myself): If you want to brag, talk to someone else.

*2 minutes later*

Alice: *is walking towards us from the other side of the P buildings*
Me: *waves*
Alice: *waves back at me with a tight smile*
Erich: Hey, I didn't get a glare this time.
Me (to myself): Maybe because I'm here and I've done nothing to make any of them mad at me?

Seriously, I can't believe Aubrey and Erich are mad at Alice over a guy. How stupid can you get? And Aubrey and Erich are also mad at each other; for some reason I forget. And Auburn lets Aubrey drag him into everything. I can't believe these people sometimes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are these fake names for the actual people, or are these completely different friends? I know how annoying that gets. I think I've grown in the way that I don't care what people think of other people. Like, one friend from theatre really didn't like this one guy. But I don't mind the guy.. I guess if I knew him better maybe I wouldn't, but still. He seems nice, and yes, maybe he doesn't know when he's annoying. Oh well. I'm more patient with people outside of my family.

I think you should just tell your friends to stop being so, ah, what's the word. Stupid? Just say "Tu eres muy stupidas." hehe. I'm glad there's no drama where I am except for Alyssa who keeps posting stuff about betrayal. I don't know what's wrong with her because I never talk to her anymore.

11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really don't understand drama. At Lynbrook, we just sit around, call each other names, talk about classes, or talk about anime.

6:27 PM  

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