Monday, September 04, 2006


I have been nervous all day. About school. I've done all my homework, I've cleaned my room, I've gotten everything ready for tomorrow, and I've felt anxious the rest of the day. Can't believe summer's over. And I've spent most of it avoiding things that what would be nice to get done. *sigh*...

I need something to do. Not something I need to do, but something that'll put my mind to rest. I convinced dad to take me and Tony to Borders, so mom went too, and I read vol. 11 of Naruto. It felt nice, not that the story's great, but it was a good distraction.

I know Junior year is important, but it'll still be like any other year. I hope. There's not going to be anything special about it.

Went to the end of summer party on Friday. Really didn't get much partying done; for the most part, I sat and looked at the fire. Brain said I looked dead. I feel sorry for ***e. I was standing with her, Brian, and Dan, and they started talking about Naruto (Why does everyone like it? It's not funny. The characters are flat. The plot takes forever to progress and there are those annoying filler chapters everywhere.). ***e said she didn't like Sakura, which made me think of something Garrity said once: "We dislike the people who are most like ourselves." That's really sad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which is why we are apparently attracted to those who are opposite of us.. Strange.

I didn't get as much done as I wanted to in the summer. Everytime I say that people are like "well you went to camp and mimi's!" But I was planning to get a lot more sewing done.. and possibly progress more in dance and voice. Voice is fine, I'm a beginner.. but I didn't do anything with dance. Then there's spanish that I didn't study. So far I'm good though ^.^

You said you would call but maybe you're just busy with hw. oh well. My hand is still itchy. JK. Now that I think of it, it is! But not really. oh well. Hehe. Okies, just acting there.

I hope you had a great first day! You can tell me to shush because I hate hearing those words too.

5:51 PM  

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