Saturday, August 19, 2006

I'm Back!


A lot of things happened since I have not written.

I e-mailed Denice, Akshar, and Karla, and felt a lot better about life in general.

Nina came and we had a blast being crazy and baking cookies that turned out ameoba shaped.

I don't feel like a sophomore anymore. I really don't. I wasn't expecting to, but I changed over the summer.

I'm not going to say anything about my Saddleback audition, except I need to work on my scales and sight reading. I hate sight reading. *scowls* I hate scales too, but not as much.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahaha. It's spelt Amoebas. I looked it up yesterday ^.^ That's of course after I mispelled it on my xanga. Your scales did get better, but of course, like everything else, they can ALWAYS use more work on. Like I said, mine aren't in great shape. I'll practice them later.

3:26 PM  

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