Reality Check!
Okay, all this past week, I've seriously thought I had two more weeks until school starts, but I was brushing my teeth this morning, and I was thinking, Wait a minute...Today's the can't be two weeks til the 5th. I checked my chalendar, and I realized, I only have one week left! Aaaagh! I dunno what I've been thinking. Maybe I just wanted summer to last longer.
I know I wanted to do a lot over this summer. I have done some of what I wanted, and I haven't gotten to other tasks writing up a bio for this place, haha. But most importantly, I think I've gotten a good, long rest. I really need that. I normally hate questions like, "Are you ready?" because really, when is anyone ever going to be ready for life? If you knew all the surprises, they wouldn't be surprises. But honestly, I think I'm ready--at least more ready than I was a month ago.
I'm really glad I was forced to go back to Irvine this summer. It's helped me see a lot of stuff I just didn't want to acknowledge before. Plus, I have learned a lot from my SAT class, although I still have a long way to go. I think I want to take the SAT in November. I'll definatley study for the PSAT, which is always in October, but I can always use an extra month to study more. Plus, I have a feeling that the more time I spend in Pre-Calc, the more my Algebra II will come back to me.
Speaking of which, I still have to do my math homework!
I started reading Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass at 11-ish this morning and I just finished. It was a pretty profound. Hard to imagine that when Frederick Douglass was my age, he was working on a plantation in the south and had no choice about it. I am definatley discussing that in my homework, which I have yet to start. Hopefully, I can finish that in a few days, and then sit myself down and relearn Alg II. I still have to read The Elements of Style, but I like that book already, especially since Mr. Andrew recommended it for the SAT. It'll be nice to think about everyone in the class while I read it. And the test is open book, so nothing to worry about...yet.
A part of me never wants things to end, like the SAT class. But I know that we can't go back, and even if we could, it wouldn't be the same. So it's all for the better this way. Besides, if I hold onto the past too much, there won't be any room for new beginings, right?
On the last day of summer, I'm going to write a letter to myself I'm hoping to seal and not open until Graduation day. Just for fun, I guess. So my 18-year-old self won't forget my 16-year-old self.
And I've resolved to write an e-mail to Marie, partly because I feel the need to apologize and partly because I'm too chicken to call. Strangley enough, I still remember her last e-mail address. I hope she hasn't stopped using it, or it's invalid. If it is, I'll figure out some other way.
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