I won't talk about how school went because it wasn't that great. I'll just say I got 2 fully right on the Elements of Style tests. Karla graded my quiz and told me. So that depressed me, obviously. Sat through Ac Dec depressed, came home, and read NejiTen fics on FFNet to escape from reality. Ate dinner, then signed on AIM. (Can't do my math homework with my book, can I?) It's funny how different people respond differently to the same thing.
Me: i'm failing english
Responses (in the order I got them):
Denice: i'm failing too :] (or something like that)
Kevin: school is sucking this year. calc isn't easy.
Me: it's funny how much this sucks. i hate english, you hate math. someone up there has a cruel sense of humor.
Kevin: yeah -_-
Akshar: that someone up there is a jokester and if you stick it out long enough, he'll stop bothering you
Me: thanks
Alice: "failing"
Me: huh?
Me: oh, i get it
Me: no, i'm serious Alice!!!!!!
Alice: "serious"
Me: ALICE!!!!!!!!
Nina: that sucks (or something like that)
Then, in the middle of all that, Karla called me.
To tell me that the math homework wasn't hard and even though I can't do it because I don't have a book, it was all stuff I've learned before so I don't have to worry about the quiz we might have tomorrow.
I was touched by everything.
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