Am Thoroughly Depressed
And tired. And I still have math and physics homework to do. But at least I know I can do them. Unlike English.
I have this need to know my grade. If I know what I've been flunking on, I can work to make it better. It frustrates me so much that Stender hasn't graded anything. I don't care if he doesn't know how to use school loop. That's an excuse. If we are expected to figure out how to use it, so are the teachers.
But Stender hasn't graded anything and I'm positive I've failed everything. Not exaggerating (that much). My summer homework sucked. My grammar test sucked. My in class essay today sucked. I am going to fail high school English and be a failure for the rest of my life. Either that, or I'll land a job I thoroughly hate.
I really need to know my grade. It's been more than a week since school started. Stender doesn't have another Comp class. WHAT IS TAKING HIM SO LONG?! Garrity stayed up til 2 in the morning last night grading his papers (he told us a long story involving applesauce about it in Ac Dec). If my math isn't as sucky as it was last year, I think there are about 100 points already from all our assignments. He's the teacher; how are we suppose to know what to work on if he doesn't tell us?
I'd say I'm depressed, but I'm more moody than depressed.
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