Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Cycles of Life

I feel like sophomore year's gone forever. Which it is. But now I feel like it. I flipped through what I've got of my Ac Dec scrapbook so far, which I haven't worked on for a month, and already I've forgotten the feeling of sophomore year, which I remembered looking through the scarpbook. I think I've changed in the past month, in a weird way. I have a feeling next year's going to be fun too, so I don't regret anything from last year. I mean, you shouldn't cry because it's over, you should smile because it happened, right? (Who am I asking? This webpage is nonexistant. Oh well, I like it here anyhow)

Life...goes on. Well, sometimes it doesn't. Hannah's friend drove off a cliff off of Ortega the other day, and now she's all sad. She was the last person to see him too, because they both drove up to San Francisco to see their other friend, and he drove off the cliff on purpose on the way back. I hope he's content now, and maybe he's with Agni's dad. And I hope Marie isn't there yet, even though we no longer communicate. But that does not mean I can't hope she's alive.

Jeez, I know too many depressed people. Thank god Nicole got over it years ago, and thank god again that Mulan didn't catch the SARS epidemic back then either.

And yet, there are things to be grateful for amist all this tragedy. All you have to do is tilt your head towards the shining sky above.


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