Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Hypothetical Situation

Actually, this isn't a hypothetical situation, it was real. But I feel like calling it hypothetical for the sake of teenage perversity (that's an SAT word).

Right, so I took my summer math homework packet to Ivy today, and I left it on my desk. During class, we switched some seats around because we were paired to work in groups. Now, there's this guy in my class who sits down in my desk, which I have vaccated. Let's call him Person X. X starts reading the top page of instructions on my math packet, and he KNOWS I'm watching him, but keeps on reading. Really, I don't mind, except for the fact that in the first line of the instructions, it says, "Congrats on passing AP Stats!" but even that doesn't bother me much.

Then, after class:
X: *comes up to me* Are you going into the IB program?
Me: No. I don't see the point.
X: *is confused*
Me: They're the same classes as the AP ones, so it's the same thing.
X: No it's not; IB is a whole program, where there are things AP doesn't have.
Me: But you don't actually have to be in IB to complete all the units of the IB program, you can do all that on your own.
X: Oh, okay. So you aren't taking IB math analysis next year?
Me: No, I'm taking Math Analysis Honors, and then BC Calc senior year.
X: Oh, okay.

That was pretty much it, but I feel kind of bad because I think I was being a tad too harsh. I practically yelled in his face that IB was pointless, and I don't think I gave him much of a chance to express his own opinion. I know what's done is done, and I can't go back, but I still feel bad. Ah well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I got really lost in that. So did he open and read your thing, or what? HEY! It's Danny! lol. Just thought I'd be random. He was first though cause he opened my door.

Your friend had her party at the beach?! Lucky!!!! And was it unsupervised?!?!?!?!?!? LUCKIER! People from Phantom wanted to have a beach party, but I guess lack of staying in touch kinda ruined the idea.

10:56 PM  
Blogger meem said...

It wasn't unsupervised, Denice's parents were there! I don't think my mom would've allowed me to go if it wasn't supervised.

He didn't open it, the instructions just happened to be the first page, and they just happened to be at the top of the stack of papers I had.

7:13 PM  

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