Thursday, November 09, 2006

Professional Growth Day

Have today off school because it's Professional Growth Day. Can there be a lamer name for a holiday?

Have not done anything all day. ^_^

Need to finish physics test Mon., just the lab part. First two parts were not horrible. Realized made one mistake from test yesterday last night. Question was tricky. Should have realized weight component in x-direction on 6 kg box was less than weight component in y-direction of 4 kg box, which would make the 6kg box be pulled by the 4 kg box. But oh well. Did realized why a feather and penny fall at same acc. in a vaccuum. That was a tricky question too.

Math quiz was not horrible. Had to guess on 2 questions:
1) If a square matrix has an inverse, it is said to be ______.
2) If a square matrix does not have an inverse, it is said to be _____.
Swear Schubert never, ever even mentioned this. Was not anywhere in the book either. Put down "invertable" for first question and "uninvertable" for second. x_X Will be pissed if am dinged any more than 5 pts for those.


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