Saturday, November 11, 2006

Procrastinators of the world unite! ...tomorrow

*irate sigh* I should really really really do my history homework. Yeah, the notes and terms I completely blew off last week (...and the week before). I have a test on Thursday, and I just counted all the pages I still have to read. 50. And since I fell asleep studying for physics Monday night, I haven't started my terms either. For all Smith cares, I could wait till Wednesday night to start reading, but I have to do the terms tonight because my study group needs them, and I can let myself down (well, actually, I can't, but let's just say I can), but I can't let them down. And besides, I am going to need all day tomorrow if I want to takes notes to digest everything I'm reading.

So why am I still here? Ugh, I dunno. I disgust myself sometimes.

But while I am here, I want to say I got two much-needed new pairs of jeans today. I hate how I have to try on half the jeans at Kohls to find two that fit, but getting those two perfect pairs at the end is so worth the time. :) I can't help it; I love new jeans. (The transcendentalists whom I should be studying right now would be disgusted with me, but who cares? They're dead. ;) )


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought I had and apush test this week, but according to Alyssa, it's next week. Thank goodness! I need to finish taking 45 more pages of notes! Half of them are for the hw due on tuesday, but I don't feel like taking that many!

I love getting new clothes too. There's nothing wrong with it.

And yes! Even if people in our text books shaped our country, who cares? They are dead... Thanks dudes, but we wouldn't know any difference if we were born into a different life. so I don't care.

4:25 PM  

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