Thursday, June 01, 2006

<3 ^_^

Dear Ac Dect Kids,

First, I want to thank you all for your hard work this semester. I hope
you had fun and also learned something new. I am looking forward to
next year's China curriculum. It looks at this point as if will be
teaching the class again--and I look forward to working with you next year. I
plan on ordering some different types of materials for next year that
may make the curriculum easier to grasp, including Quiz Bowl-type
materials. I know that many of you have other activities, so I will make an
extra effort to accomodate those of you with scheduling conflicts.

Second, I have not received any notice about overall team awards this
time (the OC Dept of Ed is apparently too busy with Pentathalon), but I
can say that we will be receiving at least one major award--in the
past, they have given plaques for this. They have asked that I not say more
to maintain the surprise. I have no information about individiual
awards, but I am hopeful. The awards ceremony is on Monday, June 5th at 6:30
PM at Servite High School in Anaheim. I hope to see you there and if
you do plan on attending, could you please email me back? Also, I will
post the awards ceremony flyer on the Ac Dec website.

Feel free to drop by my new classroom--P9--to chat or if you have
questions about the ceremony or next year.

Mr. Garrity

Garrity will be teaching Ac Dec next year! Yay! And I finally got my letter. Sadly, I'm afraid I got some oil on it because there was a ton of oil the salad I was eating for lunch, and it got all over my hands. Oh well. And I guess I'm going to the awards ceremony because Rose agreed to give me a ride, which is very nice of her.

Meanwhile, I've actually started reading 1984. The only reason I started was because I was brushing my teeth last night. And while I was brushing my teeth, I somehow thought of Battle Royale. So then after I spit out my toothpaste and rinse, I get the book Nina got me, and I turn to the begining. And on the second page of the book is a quote from George Orwell. It was from some book I've never heard of and I would type the quote, but it's pretty long. So I thought it was a good quote, so I started reading 1984. I know I have a wunnerfully logical mind. ^_^

On the other hand, my mind might also be a bit...paranoid. I'm pretty sure a certain someone in marching was trying to suggest I join again. I went to meet my carpool in front of the bandroom afterschool and she started ranting about how Mr. Waldukat misses all the flutes because only three are signed up next year and there are some important flute runs in the music, and how he wants them all back. My internal reaction was, Like hell I'm going to do anything because Mr. Waldukat feels bad. I have no duty to do anything for him, except I'll probably think of him in nicer light if he lets me play at graduation. Must ask soon.

On the third hand, there is another certain someone who is DEFINATELY paranoid. Way more than I have EVER been. Shadow told me at lunch. The certain someone was been seeing the shrink because she's been having nightmares and that affects her sleep, and she can't eat, even when she's hungary. According to Shadow, she can't bring herself to actually bite the food. No wonder she's seemed so sad lately. And there's the Jacque business. Seriously, she should take it easier. Life isn't that intense.

I had a weird thought...Dr. Corbett showed us this whole thing about how the 2000 and 2004 elections were rigged for Bush. I wonder...if she would stoop to that level if she couldn't win fairly and still pretend years after that she hadn't done anything wrong. Well, either way, if she did something like that, I don't think I could stand for it. I guess we'll see...


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