Saturday, April 15, 2006


It just occurred to me that, for some reason, we can title entries. Why? When you write in a real journal (one that's tangible), you don't put titles. At least, I don't. But this entry is titleless because I can't think of one.

I'm feeling like I'm back in school already. Ugh. Why didn't I do any of my homework over the week? Because I wanted to ignore it, that's why. Now I have one more chapter of stats, a chem worksheet, and a ton of algebra 2 review. Two packets...grr...I just finished doing chapter 4 for stats. I'm thinking of saving chapter 5 to do tomorrow, but really, algebra 2 review doesn't sound very exciting either.

I still haven't decided what classes I want to take over the summer at Saddleback. A class in HTML and photoshop would be fun, but it's stuff I can do on my own. Then again, I don't want to work too hard with computer science, but Stephen said it would be easy if I understand algebra 2. Which brings me back to the aggravating topic of my homework. Arg.


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