Welcome to my humble shack!
Needless to say, this is my new blog. I was getting really tired of LiveJournal, and I just felt like I needed a change from everything there. It didn't seem like the entire thing represented anything about me in the current moment. It was more like a documentary (and a long one, I know) of who I used to be. So, I've created this blog, and I'll use it as a place where I can reflect myself.
I'm still keeping my old LJ (username=poisoned_facade) if you really want to read about two years of my life. I think that's how long I used it. You'll need an account, though, and I'll have to tell me to put you on my friend's list because it's secured. Speaking of security, I'm planning to keep this blog opened. Actually, now that I consider it, I don't think I can secure it. But no matter...it seems stupid, how I secured my LJ in the first place.
I have a layout in mind for this place to reflect the title. I like the title. Much less pessimistic than my old one. I got it from a song from Shaman King, "It will always be written in this heart/ Forever in the sky shining..." I'll try working on it during spring break, but right now, I'm putting AP exams ahead of everything. Which makes me a bit sad because that means I can't help judge the essays for the Laws of Life contest on Thursday. I have to go to Corbett's Euro review. I considered not going, but I think I should. I've still got to e-mail the person in charge of that. = (
Oh yeah, I got a review book for art history yesterday. I love it. It doesn't have a fourth of the images in my text book, but then again, it was $24, not $142. I seriously want to buy one of the old art history books off of Corbett. I'll happily pay anything less than $40 for one, even though it's old and beat up. It's probably worth way more. Some of the art books are Borders were $200. Eep.
Something that's been bothering me lately is my career. At this point, I think I'll be one of those people who wander from job to job...but then again, "not all those who wander are lost," so I guess I'll find my way eventually.
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