Friday, December 01, 2006

Who killed the happiness around here?

*last night until physics this morning*
me: TT_TT (I kid you not; I felt really bad, and for once, it wasn't PMS)

*at lunch today*
Kylie (and I quote her directly): "Fuck!"

*in PE today*
Karla: "I'm crying on the inside."

The vector test in math today was awful. Seriously think I bombed it. I'm not that worried though, I'll have a B even if a totally flunked (probably did) and I can pull that up. I kind of got over English while watching Reba today after I got home from tutoring.

I'm thinking of returning to my livejournal account. Partly because I feel a lot safer if I can make my entries friends-only (although I think I can with blogger, but I'm too lazy to find out how), and partly because I just miss livejournal.

[edit] Hmmm, upon re-reading this, the quotes don't seem that depressing. And I really can't give a damn about AIDS right now, not because I think I'm cold hearted (although I might be) but because I gotta help myself before I can help others get better. But anyway. I really came back to say...

GOOD LUCK NINA! BREAK A LEG TONIGHT! AND ALL THE OTHER NIGHTS! ...although you might not be able to walk then... (no, I jest, I jest!)

Thursday, November 30, 2006

A Bitch on Life

TT_TT I don't think I did well on my English quiz today. I wouldn't be obsessing over this except I've done some approximate calculations and I absolutely NEED 100% on everything for my grade to go up to 90%. It is currently 85.39%, without the vocab words I just turned in, and without the quiz.

The quiz wasn't hard, I guess, but it was detailed. I read Act II of The House of Bernarda Alba like I was suppose to, but I couldn't remember ALL the details. And I do read closely, but still, to have gotten everything right on that quiz, you would've had to memorize everything. That's unfair, but there's no way Stender will change anything. There were 10 questions. I think I missed four. TT_TT

I calculated what my grade would be if I got 5/10 on the quiz (because I'm pessimistic like that) and 25/25 on the vocab (because I think that's what I deserve, given how much time I've spent on it this week). It's still be 85%, which, I suppose, is much better than, say, 84%. But since the end of the 6-week-progress report is TOMORROW, I was really hoping to raise it to an 86%, and then 87% before winter break started so I'd have a B+ over winter break, and then I'd have to bump it up a bit more before finals, and then I'll have to ace the English final.

Oh god, I make myself feel anxious just thinking about this.

To make matters worse, I have to play at the Saddleback concert tonight and I have a math test first thing tomorrow morning.

I need an A in English I need an A in English I need an A in English. Maybe if I say this enough times, it'll happen.

Monday, November 27, 2006

"Those who do not learn history are condemned to repeat it"

I think I'm a decent history student (okay, so I'm blowing off my APUSH notes, but besides that), but somewhat, I never learn anyway.

So after dragging my dad to Borders the other day, I looked at this AP review book (for LANGUAGE and composition) and it looked really good, so I went home, found it on amazon, and ordered it through my dad's account. I even made sure it was by the same author, even though it was an older edition. Just now, my dad came to double check I had the book I wanted...and it turns out I accidentally ordered the LITERATURE and composition one.


So I told him to quickly cancel the order, which he did, and then I looked up the Lang & Comp book, the right one I wanted. I found one by the same publisher (Kaplan) that came out in '05, but it didn't have the name of the author who wrote the one at Borders on the front. It did, however, list her under "special contributions:" on the copyright page, so I ordered that one. I looked at the table of contents, too, and it listed all the same things as the one in Borders did, so I'm taking the chance that it's the same one. Either way, any of the practice tests will help, and it's by the same publisher, so I'm hoping they aren't too different. And the AP exam doesn't change much, as Kucera used to say. (Oooh, speaking of her, I have to pay her $35 for my entertainment book. Must drop by tomorrow.)

This is totally unrelated, but I feel like telling it: I went to the vending machine at lunch today to get Chex mix, because I was hungry (to be redundant), but when I pressed the button, it said to make another selection. So, not because I really wanted them, but beacuse the machine already had my dollar, I pressed the buttons for hot cheetos. I waited a moment, but when the ball didn't fall down, I turned to go, thinking, "this sucks." But right as I took my first step back to The Tree, I hear a "thump," so I turned back around, and there are not one, but two bags of hot cheetos in the bottom pouch of the vending machine, waiting for me to pick them up. Can we interpret this as a sign of something?

someday i want to coin something like this

"Be who you are and say what you feel,
because those who mind don't matter,
and those who matter don't mind."

"I meant what I said, and I said what I meant.
An elephant's faithful, one hundred percent."

- Dr. Seuss

...meanwhile, i'll get back to my diction assignment.

we're all geniuses in ap physics

while going over homework in class:

homework question: what is the centripetal force that keeps the earth moving around the sun?
brandon parks: god!
class: [lighthearted laughter]

btw, says that the word "geniuses" should be used to describe 2,3, or 8 geniuses, but "genii" describes 6,7, or 9 geniuses. who the hell comes up with these things?

Sunday, November 26, 2006

diction craziness

am working on eng vocab assignment. am having hard time choosing some of the words. maybe tutoring for the next hour will clear my head. gaaah.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Turkey Day

I won't be here tomorrow or the next day because I'm going to Mamooth, so I'll say Happy Thanksgiving right now. ^_^

Saturday, November 18, 2006

something's dreadfully wrong with me

okay, i am like, caught up in the BLONDEST moment of my life. (no offense to blondes.) i just realized i don't know what english class i'm in. okay, okay, so i know it has something to do with composition, because that's all we ever talk about in class. but i don't know the name of the course. how did this revelation come about?

well, to improve my horrific english grade, i decided to check out some ap review books from the library. i logged onto one of the computers, typed "ap composition" into the search bar, found two review books in the adult non-fiction section, checked them out, and came home, whereupon i opened the review book by r.e.a., and instead of finding passages on diction and syntax and mackarels of that stuff, i found stuff about literature. which made me look at the title of the book again, which turned out to have "ap literature & composition" blaring in my face. i'm confused. am i in ap lit? i don't think so; i think that's a 12th grade class. so...should i get another book? i dunno, the r.e.a. one seems to have some material revelent to whatever it is stender keeps trying to drill into our heads.

i need to have a heart-to-heart with mrs. ondrayas, my guidance counselor.

Friday, November 17, 2006


This story just made me cry. I am finally beginning to understand why people like Naruto; why I have continued reading Naruto fanfics ever since I turned to FF.Net in those hecktic pre-AP-exams-weeks last April. Nevermind that I know nothing of the actual story--I've realized I don't need to know of everything all the time. Take today at dinner:
Me (to Mom): I think I did well on my physics quiz. : )
Mom: Oh, so do you understand everything now? (I was having trouble with last night's homework.)
Me: Well, no, but I think I did well on the quiz. : )