Friday, December 01, 2006

Who killed the happiness around here?

*last night until physics this morning*
me: TT_TT (I kid you not; I felt really bad, and for once, it wasn't PMS)

*at lunch today*
Kylie (and I quote her directly): "Fuck!"

*in PE today*
Karla: "I'm crying on the inside."

The vector test in math today was awful. Seriously think I bombed it. I'm not that worried though, I'll have a B even if a totally flunked (probably did) and I can pull that up. I kind of got over English while watching Reba today after I got home from tutoring.

I'm thinking of returning to my livejournal account. Partly because I feel a lot safer if I can make my entries friends-only (although I think I can with blogger, but I'm too lazy to find out how), and partly because I just miss livejournal.

[edit] Hmmm, upon re-reading this, the quotes don't seem that depressing. And I really can't give a damn about AIDS right now, not because I think I'm cold hearted (although I might be) but because I gotta help myself before I can help others get better. But anyway. I really came back to say...

GOOD LUCK NINA! BREAK A LEG TONIGHT! AND ALL THE OTHER NIGHTS! ...although you might not be able to walk then... (no, I jest, I jest!)